Nawa Keidō
名和 啓童
10/3/1898 - ????
Began his study of Kinko-ryū shakuhachi with Kawase Junsuke I at Chikuyusha as uchi-deshi (live-in apprentice) at the age of 16. Became one of the main teachers there and, in 1923, went to Manchuria to help popularize the shakuhachi, staying until 1946. Returning to Japan as a repatriated Japanese after the war, he eventually moved back to Tokyo to re-establish his teaching studio as a Chikuyusha member. Overall, his career as a shakuhachi professional spanned more than 60 years.
別名 名和 永次郎 (Nawa Eijirō) |
先生 教え子
藤原 哲童 1930 - 後藤 雅童 1924 - 林 栖童 1919 - ???? 邊春 江童 1905 - ???? 左 右竹 1912 - ???? 井上 和童 加藤 芦童 1918 - ???? 川名 喬童 1926 - 河西 二郎 1920 - ???? 畔柳 鈴童 1916 - ???? 桑尾 勝童 1914 - ???? 松本 芳次郎 1919 - ???? 長井 星童 1930 - 長澤 瑩童 1922 - ???? 永島 華童 1923 - ???? 中川 雄之介 1929 - 岡崎 修童 1901 - ???? 世渡 碧童 1898 - ???? 繁友 茚童 1914 - ???? 下川 朗童 1903 - ???? 園部 華風 1915 - ???? 財部 弘童 1907 - ???? 富沢 欣童 1909 - ???? 常岡 昭童 1917 - ???? 大櫛 亜童 1919 - ???? 太田 陵童 1913 - ???? 大武 鵬童 1931 - 大槻 梅軒 1910 - ????