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Akita Sugagaki (Fudaiji)



発祥 (徳山 隆):

No connection with Akita city or prefecture. One of the original 11 pieces brought to Kyoto by Higuchi Taizan from Fudaiji.

秋田菅垣 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonHi Kyoku 尺八 : 徳山 隆
This piece is one of the original eleven pieces brought to Kyoto by Higuchi Taizan from Fudaiji temple in Hamamatsu. Higuchi Taizan founded Meianji the temple in Kyoto. The title may possibly relate to season (Autumn), but any connection with Akita city or prefecture is usually dismissed as inaccurate. The originality of Akita-sugagaki rests in the clarity of the final "Takene" section, where, in the fluctuation of temp, a refreshing feeling is achieved.