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Saga no Aki


[作曲様式]Meiji Shinkyoku
[流派]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[対象楽器]菊末検校 - 箏
菊末勾当 - 三弦

発祥 (柘植 元一):

This piece, Saga no aki ('Fall in Saga') is considered a masterpiece among the compositions for the koto written in the early Meiji Era. The substantial part of this piece is a brilliant koto duet, consisting of three sections (dan). Although it is composed in the tegoto-mono form, Saga no aki is quite different from the so-called jiuta-sokyoku, and it represents 'modern' koto music of the late nineteenth century Japan.

The text it based on a well-known story from 'The Tale of the Heike.' See Kogo no kyoku.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

Fall on the plain
Of Saga -
Renowned for nothing
But the loneliness
Of all things.
The moon illumines
The brushwood gate.
The whisper
Of a hidden koto -
Wind from the summit?
Wind through the pines?
Is the woman I seek
Whiling away the time?

I quicken the horse, listen
The koto plucks
The 'Song of Longing'
I know so well,
The 'Song of Longing'
I know so well.
Sarade dani
mono no sabishiki
na ni tateru
saga no atari no
aki no koro
tsuki wa kumanaki
shiba no to ni
shinobite morasu
koto no ne wa
mine no arashi ka
matsukaze ka
tazunuru hito no
susabi ka ya


Koma wo hayamete
kiku toki wa
tsumaoto shiruki
tsumaoto shiruki

嵯峨の秋 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonFascination of the Koto 3 歌 : 米川 敏子
箏 : 米川 敏子
歌 : 二世 米川 親敏 
箏 : 二世 米川 親敏 
Autumn in Saga. Composed by Kikusue kengyo (1852?-1892). A koto composition for two instruments cojmposed in the early Meizi era. Saga is a place in the suburb of Kyoto. This work deals with an anecdote written in the Take of the Heike (a mediaeval epic). Lady Kogo, the Emperor's lover, has concealed herself from the court and has been living in Saga. Minamoto no Nakakuni, a courtier, is ordered by the Emperor to go to Saga to find her. Guided by the sound of the koto played by Lady Kogo, he succeeded in finding her hiding place.

Kinko Ryū Shakuhachi Sankyoku Meikyoku Sen - Dai Ichi Shū - Vol 1 歌 : 三世 高橋 栄清
箏 : 三世 高橋 栄清
尺八 : 山口 五郎
歌 : 鳥居 名美野
箏 : 鳥居 名美野

Sagano no Shirabe 箏 : 後藤 すみ子
箏 : 高畑美登子

Sagano no Shirabe 箏 : 高田 和子
箏 : 二代米川敏子

Sagano no Shirabe 箏 : 矢木 敬二
箏 : 井口 久美子

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 13 (三曲合奏大全集13) 箏 : 砂崎 知子
箏 : 安藤 政輝
尺八 : 横山 勝也
歌 : 芦垣美穂

Sō no Shiori (Ikuta Ryū) vol 3 箏 : 中島 靖子
歌 : 佐藤 親貴
箏 : 佐藤 親貴

Sōkyoku Jiuta Gassō-shū (disc 3) 尺八 : 五世 荒木 古童
箏 : 山本裕子
歌 : 望月雅子
箏 : 望月雅子

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 41 歌 : 初世米川 文子
箏 : 初世米川 文子
箏 : 二世 米川 文子

Soul of the Koto, The
The Autumn of Saga was originally composed for the koto by Kengyo Kikusue from Osaka. This music describes the scenes of autumn in Kyoto. The words for this music are taken from the Story of Heike.

Yamaguchi Goro - Performance study 3 歌 : 中能島弘子
箏 : 中能島弘子
歌 : 緒方 紗知能
箏 : 緒方 紗知能
尺八 : 山口 五郎
歌 : 河内 百合能
箏 : 河内 百合能