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Kumoi Rokudan


[作曲様式]Dan mono
[流派]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[対象楽器]八橋 検校 - 箏


Rokudan, as one may know, was composed by Kengyo Yatsuhashi (1614-1685). Kumoi Rokudan, one of the revisions of Rokudan was composed by Chiyoda Kengyo of the Yamada School of koto. Kumoi refers to high pitch. Therefore the music is played by two kotos, one in the kumoi (high pitch), the other hirajoshi (basic) tone.

雲井六段 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 07 箏 : 中能島 欣一
尺八 : 初世 納富 寿童
箏 : 中能島 慶子
三弦 : 品川 正三

Soul of the Koto, The
Rokudan, as one may know, was composed by Kengyo Yatsuhashi (1614-1685). Kumoi Rokudan, one of the revisions of Rokudan was composed by Chiyoda Kengyo of the Yamada School of koto. Kumoi refers to high pitch. Therefore the music is played by two kotos, one in the kumoi (high pitch), the other hirajoshi (basic) tone.