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Hiroshimano Sendouta


Hiroshimano Sendouta は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonKoto Melodies of Japan - Hogaku Yonin no Kai (The Four Players Group) 箏 : 矢崎明子
箏 : 後藤 すみ子
尺八 : 二世 北原 篁山
箏 : 菊地悌子
The name of Hiroshima means much to people who pray for peace. A narrow channel between the coast of Hiroshima and Shikoku is called the Seto Straits. The beautiful sea there dotted with the small islands looks like a picture. The tune sung by boatmen of the strait matches with the tranquil scenery. Sounds of oars are imitated by pushing hard the strings of a koto.