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Shimabara no Komoriuta


[対象楽器]Miyazaki Kohei - 尺八

島原の子守歌 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Concierto Di Aranjues - Aka Tombo 尺八 : 田嶋 直士
Play ButtonJapanese Folk Songs
As the place "Shimabara" in southern part of Japan was near to China, many women were taken and sold to China. This is the song for the motherless children sung by their fathers.

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24) 箏 : 二代米川敏子
尺八 : 林鈴麟