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Kiri no Hibiki

[Composed]Yamamoto Hōzan - Shakuhachi

Kiri no Hibiki appears on the following albums

Album Artist
Play ButtonTen-I - 2 Works by Yamamoto Hozan Koto : Kawashima Utakei
Koto : Sakurai Masashi
Koto : Tokumoto Masaaki
Koto : Nishimura Utaka
Koto : Takahata Masato
Koto : Sekiya Utano
Koto : Okuno Gashō
Koto : Kakui Utae
This suite was composed for Koto ensemble "Toh-in-kai'; a group of graduates from music academy "Seiha Ongakuin" and named after the group. ("Toh" means "Kiri ", a paulownia.) All pieces were composed in minor scale and in traditional style with modern rhythm.